Brighter Days, A Better You

Welcome! We help individuals, couples and families navigate difficult times, explore and integrate past traumas and become aware of unhelpful thought patterns and habits. Our goal is to assist you in becoming your best self.

The approach we take will be based on your unique needs and concerns. If anxiety and depression are at the forefront, we will tackle these issues by exploring thought patterns, habits and life stressors. If you are feeling lost or stuck, we will identify personal values and brainstorm long and short-term goals. Always, we will bring an open-minded perspective to the relationship.

Our approach has been strongly influenced by the field of positive psychology and solution focused therapy. Both emphasize the here-and-now and work to address problems and areas of dysfunction, whilst simultaneously identifying strengths and promoting wellness.

We offer free initial consultations and welcome you to contact us to see if we might be a good fit for your needs. We appreciate your reaching out and hope to hear from you.